Kann man dagegen irgendwas machen?
Ich weiß, die Frage ist schwammig formuliert, aber wie ihr sehen könnt, geht es um ein Huhn(hab das heute entdeckt und fotografiert) dei dem der Darm raushängt, entzündet ist und auch teilweise stark blutet, da er einreißt, weil das Huhn gerade ein Ei legt und das wegen den Darm nicht mehr hindurchpasst. Kann man irgendetwas dagegen machen, oder sollte das Tier besser eingeschläfert werden?
This is a laying arm incident. It is possible to push back the intestine, but the incident will be repeated with every further egg and renewed pressing. In addition, there is a great danger that the other chickens will pick her around there – and they will do that in any case if they have discovered it!
I’d think it’s a cloaking/legedarm incident. To do this, you should get a specialist or bring the chicken to the veterinarian as soon as possible – you can still help.
https://www.lachshuhnzucht-herne.com/lachsh%C3%BChner/ Diseases/noninfecti%C3%B6se Diseases/
I would recommend you to snare the chicken as you please the chicken a big one if it is relieved of the pain.
I would redeem the chicken
The question seems to me very dubios. Probably an ancient “shock image”. Because cages have been banned since 2010. And no chicken of a “biomaker” should be in such a cage.
Furthermore, the question is how you as a non-farmer come to such an image except by download.
It is also a very strange way to put such a picture into a public forum. It looks very like negative propaganda.
The primary contact person is the AGRICULTURE and not the layman .
If the picture is up to date, probably the AGRICULTURE has already taken the right measures and does not require your interference.
It is not caged. That was a bio-leaving operation and I did the photo. None of the chickens were locked in a cage somewhere, they had ground in the stable and a huge runout. The chicken on the picture stands only on the decor above the vat band in front of a laying nest.
The question remains why you’re going to shock laity with this picture, instead of 1 set with the farmer: Dear farmer, I’ve seen you look.
Because your policy is simple “mad making agriculture”, vegan drum egg.
If you had spoken to the farmer, you wouldn’t have asked the question here. We have here a metropolitan theatre of turbo-veganers who wants to beat humanity to “meatless” with all violence. That’s why the nerves are clear.
Why shock? This is happening now, and that also happens in people.
The real question should be, how do you know I didn’t talk to the country? Who do you think led me through the stable? But I only asked myself later if you can cure it at all.
If the egg doesn’t get out, you have to crush it so that it can drain. That’s what happened to our Welli.
Poor chicken, now to the doctor!
Can’t a vet do anything?
Legenot, that was– that day the egg was gonna rigged?
Veterinary or sharp steel of an axe…(but in the soup, if there’s anything else)
Looks bad. Better on the slaughter bench.
It’s like a cot like a man goes around with the animals and you could get really aggressive in such pictures!
This is less about man’s handling, which sometimes happens. In humans, the intestine can get out.
Nevertheless, a chicken should not stand on such bars.
This cage is just disgusting!I am vegetarian!I could become a vegan with such pictures!
Classical case of no idea of the overall situation, but just hitch. 🙄
This is something that can easily happen, regardless of the attitude.
You’re real! How can a man just pull the intestine out of the chicken? That’s disgusting! So really! Wash humanity!
There’s no one stealing the intestine. That can happen.
No. The cot also lands in the litter, where it is dried by the ventilation and crumbled by the hens and mixed with the litter. A large part lands on the belts and can therefore be removed. Among other things, the pollutant balance and the germ load in the stable can be influenced. The vats are therefore important components of the device, which would be decoyed without vats and gratings. This makes cleaning and disinfection difficult. There is also a very simple reason for this: It would be too much. The masses of Kot, which can be attacked by the stable. The stable has a certain capacity, it can only absorb a certain amount of dry cloth and at some point is simply closed. Kotbands are the most effective tool to transport the cot out of the stable.
A question, do the chickens always do their business where the band goes? I’m sure they don’t always go there, or are they running exactly to the coater to make the sticks on the coater? It’s a serious question and it’s not for someone to talk badly now. In my imagination only unimaginable and then also the sense of the bars and the band. Because I only know tapes from cages where chickens have to go like that or something. With outdoor chickens, soil conservation is completely unknown to me or I don’t see any sense. I’d be interested. We had chickens on the farm with us who have been going anywhere, which in this attitude are certainly not dressed exactly as to make their business? Purpose of hygiene, if the chickens live in free and soil conservation and where to go, is no band meaningful!?
Well, even if it’s because the chickens are raised, you can’t do much against it today. Because the chickens put the eggs in the wild.
Of course, man is guilty. It’s not easy. It is because a chicken lays up to 300 eggs a year, with a highly grown body that is actually designed for about 20 eggs. The fact that after 1-2 years everything is in the ass – and such things happen – is clear.
What do you think? They still have ground and open land 5m2/hn? Could go there… Nobody forces the chickens to climb on the facility, that’s true.
With good chicken keeping, I understand something completely different. And they probably don’t go to the bars. There’s nothing left for them.
Not necessary? I’m sorry if I’m saying this, but what about hygiene?
Not really because many do not adhere to the classic “rules”. That’s why you can never know how something is really meant here.
In fact, exclamation marks are only a reinforcement of the text, such as basta, point,etc., also not the right one for irony.
Yes had thought that you would notice with all the exclamation marks xD
Yes, it is necessary. No codes = No excretion = formation of pollutants, such as ammonia = irritation of the mucous membranes of animals and humans, via blindness to death.
And, as I said, the animals go voluntarily. So it’s not a disgrace.
Irony should be identified;-)
That was irony too, because that’s what happens, but Karakal doesn’t know that. He is probably one of those hardcore vegans who pushes all animal suffering to humans.
That’s not necessary. This is animal torture. I already know why I’m buying my eggs with my peasant.
But they are now necessary once, so that the cot can fall through and lands on the cot band. In addition, no one forces the animals to run on the grids, which are quite voluntary. If it really is organic farming, they have enough space to stay where different.
I’m on my way to vegan! I haven’t done it yet!
I’ve been a vegetarian for 10 years
That was organic farming. No cage. None of the chickens were in the cage. They had all the ground + land. And also the device(where feed, water and Kotbands pass through and are leg ester) which is made of metal. The chicken’s just above the coat.
Yeah, but for a vegetarian, chickens are kept like that.
The reality is so frightening, I’m shocked. Hopefully my eggs come from a healthy chicken. I have to check this myself.
How do you want to check this yourself?
This is something that can just happen. This is also independent of the attitude.
Call a veterinarian and keep your chickens tidy and not on bars!
That’s not my chicken, that’s from a laying farm.
Biocreation???? Never in life!!!
This is the lowest stance that is now banned in Germany
Organic farming….HAHAHA!Selten so laughed!!!!
It’s not cage keeping…
I mean, however, the cage that is now forbidden
Why would that be untrue?
That’s right, you have to keep the peasant that way. Not the people because they even keep animals. If you are not at least vegan or at least consequent Buying organic products is a pretty double moral that you deliver here.
Isn’t he in the stable all day?
Why rarely so laughed? Have you ever seen a laying from the inside?
As I said, the chicken is in the facility. It’s made of metal. It’s really organic farming. The floor is under the facility.
So you should keep the farmer for a month so he can see how the animal feels!
Yeah, I think so. Doesn’t look like there’s at least 1/3 solid ground. Looks for complete cage holding with grid bottom. You don’t see everything… But the condition leaves too much to be desired.
It’s organic.
That was organic. This is just in the facility above the vat band in front of the laying nest.
Emergency battles.
It must be a torment. 1 chicken less and 1 suffering less😓
LG Der1Streber
You can report it to the vetrinar amt or police