Kann man Dadurch schwanger werden?

Hallo zusammen,

Hatte letzte Woche was mit einen Mädchen wir hatten kein sex ! Sie hat ihre tage und wir haben bisschen petting betrieben und bin auf ihr gekommen ich hatte was an den Finger und habe diese nur mit Wasser abgewaschen eine halbe Stunde später hab ich sie gefingert (sie hatte nur ihren slip an) kann da eine Schwangerschaft entstehen? Liebe grüße

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2 years ago


No, sperms do not survive long outside the body and you washed them with water. After half an hour outside of man, all are already dead so you can be sure that it won’t get pregnant.

So, or so, through a slip, sperms do not come through so if a pregnancy is to occur you must already get fresh sperm into the body of the woman.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



2 years ago
Reply to  lennart12170

Very happy ^

2 years ago

So no one gets pregnant :


How can a woman get pregnant?

Pregnant can become a woman when sperms with enough seed fluid get directly into their vagina (skin). The vagina is inside. So it can get pregnant during intercourse. And she can get pregnant if she or her partner brings enough fresh ejaculate (=sperm) to the vagina entrance or introduces it into the vagina.

Sperms are extremely sensitive. You must be able to move to fertilize an egg. Only in their liquid can they move and survive. As soon as the sperm is in the air, the sperm fluid begins to change. This is why sperm in the air survive only a few minutes. Maybe individuals survive longer. But they can’t fertilize egg anymore. They survive a little longer in a bigger puddle.

2 years ago

There’s nothing outside.

2 years ago

No, that can’t be.

2 years ago

If you wash your hands properly I don’t think

because sperm do not survive so long in the air

2 years ago

No, she won’t get pregnant.

2 years ago

No! I can’t!

2 years ago

No, you washed your hands and also don’t survive sperm 30 minutes in the air

2 years ago
Reply to  lennart12170

Yeah, if you washed the trzd thoroughly. But as I said, sperms survive only a few minutes in the air

2 years ago

While she has her days, she can’t get pregnant anyway. Simple.

2 years ago

If you’re not lucky, ne.

For the next time, you’ll know…