Kann man da irgendwas machen (Meerschweinchen)?
Also: wir haben zwei Meerschweinchen die leben in einem relativ großen Käfig/Stall. jetzt ist unser Problem das der Stall zwei Etagen hat, vor ein paar Wochen ist unser eines Meerschwein dort oben gestorben. Für das das noch übrig geblieben ist haben wir ein neues geholt, aber seit das neue da ist gehen die beiden konsequent nicht mehr nach oben. Wir haben das eine jetzt seit ungefähr 4 Jahren und das andere halt seit ein paar Wochen. Aber wir können sie auch nicht einfach unten lassen denn nur der untere Bereich ist viel zu klein für zwei. Und jetzt zu meiner Frage: könnte es sein das die beiden da nicht mehr hochgehen da das eine Meerschweinchen dabei war als oben seine alte Partnerin gestorben ist? Und wenn das so ist was kann man dagegen tun?
Du widersprichst dir selbst:
Ein Gehege, das groß genug ist, hat eine Grundfläche, die groß genug ist (bei 2 Tieren mindestens 2qm).
Eine Etage erweitert nicht die Grundfläche. Sie ist nur ein Extra.
– Meerschweinchen sind keine Klettertiere und gehen teilweise gar nicht Rampen
– Meerschweinchen wollen auch Mal am Stück rennen
– Meerschweinchen haben einen starken Bewegungsdrang, den sie ohne ständiges Rampenlaufen ausleben wollen
– steile Rampen schaden den Gelenken
Du solltest die untere Etage auf jeden, jeden Fall auf mindestens 2qm ausbauen und überprüfen, ob die Rampe eventuell zu steil ist. Du kannst mit diesem Rampenrechner herausfinden, ob deine Rampe zu steil ist. Ich empfehle mindestens „bequem“ vor allem, weil deine Meerschweinchen die Rampe nicht hoch wollen.
Manchmal liegt es auch an der Beschaffenheit der Rampe. Meistens ist die Rampe ein Holzbrett mit „Tritten“
Soetwas wird häufig nicht (gut) angenommen. Außerdem ist es für die Meerschweinchen auch nicht so geeignet. Empfehlenswert ist es, ein Brett mit einem Rutschfesten Untergrund zu bekleben.
Einige nutzen Gummimatten, andere bestimmte Stoffe.
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Ich denke wenn du alles beachtest, kannst du deine Meerschweinchen dazu bekommen, die Rampe hochzugehen.
Es kann allerdings auch sein, dass du deine Meerschweinchen gar nicht dazu bekommst, die Rampe und somit die 2. Etage zu nutzen. Damit musst du dich abfinden. Hauptsache, die untere Etage ist groß genug.
Daran daß das Partnertier dort gestorben ist liegt es nicht. Das neue Meerschweinchen weiß das ja noch nicht einmal 😉
Ich hoffe, ich konnte weiterhelfen.
LG ☺️❤️
My stable is built by itself, so we took care that the ramp is not too steep, and the lower area is quite large I thought it was too little when you put their houses in there too:) But thanks for your answer 😊
2 Quotes: “the lower area is far too small for two” “The lower area is reasonably large”
You don’t seem to be able to decide…
Could you possibly call the measurements? (Please don’t mind anything. We want to help you and can only do this if you tell the truth)
How big is the stable now? So the lower area for itself.
Then good improvement 🍀🐞
skin problems 🙁
Then please look for a new one. What’s the sick Meerie?
ok yes, the veterinarian said
It has more stress when it comes to the others on the day 2-3h. Not at all. Since the Meerie has hardly any contagious disease, it should remain with the others and only be brought out for mediation. If the veterinarian claims something else, you should change it quickly, then he has no idea. Being in the group means stress relief. From time to time, and always change the place, that is a huge stress.
no, they are already three but the guinea pig about 2-3 hours a day to the others it must not have so much stress
Huh? We can’t be the guinea pig alone if you have three? Don’t think of a fourth… The best way to get everyone in by the end of May.
no it’s not 🙂 okay with the ground frost I notice
Okay. That sounds good.
But please don’t let the guinea pigs on the meadow! From mid/end of May! There’s still ground frost before that.
Is Meerie the “in treatment” alone?
OK so I explain: We have their very normal stall, which is also windproof and with boards on the sides and everything else, then we have the outer stall in which they come from Easter that is also a quite normal stall with boards and windproof sides and well insulated and all the only other on this stall is that he has a small tube down through which the Meeries can get into their grass stall.
The rampart is secured with boards and wires and plates on all sides, even above, and it takes almost all our garden. When the pigs were out all summer they came back to the normal stall from November.
When the winter is so cold again, my father with Styropor builds another insulation around the stall as well as then they get a small animal heat bottle placed on the roof 🙂 Besides, we still have another pig, but unfortunately this is just in treatment and therefore with us inside in the house why I didn’t count it with
You live in external attitude?! Unfortunately, at least 4 guinea pigs and a well-insulated and protected shelter are needed for outdoor use. Otherwise the Meeries can freeze.
If they can enter 24/7, you don’t have to expand the stable. However, you need a suitable shelter and two more pigs.
External attitude is very complicated anyway. Is your enclosure secured from all 6 sides with spot-welded wire, stone panels or solid wooden boards?
Read here under “holding” please do everything about external maintenance carefully.
they also have an outside stall so in which they can walk out through a tube the whole stall is standing on the stall and the outside stall has no floor so that they can eat a bit of grass 🙂 I have the problem that if I put them up I have to carry them back into the grass stall every day and they don’t like that at all
Are both floors 180cm x 100cm tall?
If the upper floor is larger and the main part, you can put it up once.
180cm x 100cm is even with floor really very limity. I ask you to add 20cm x 100cm so you can fill the minimum dimensions of 2x1m on one level. Then it is not bad if the upper floor is not used.
the stable itself is quite large. the actual level where they have already lived for a lifetime is “up” we have built the “lower” floor only so that they have a bit more space
about 180 times 100 cm
This can be, and I rather believe that it is more like the new guinea pig does not yet know the change of floors and therefore does not dare and the old guinea pig is “having it” and therefore does not go up.
I had a guinea pig that loved tomatoes until it saw that the others don’t want tomatoes and suddenly it didn’t eat any more.
Thank you
When my guinea pig died, we made the other guinea pigs mourn. On the recommendation of the veterinarian, we put the dead guinea pig back into the enclosure, which he can get from his best choice.
The new guinea pig probably doesn’t know any stairs as ours never went down.
you already realized the problem – 2 floors. guinea pigs are not climbing artists and cannot estimate heights at all. Therefore, several floors in a stable are only possible if they are well secured and the ramps are very flat and wide. Unfortunately, this is never the case in commercial cages.
the young guinea pig knows no floors and therefore does not dare to rise. for this, the ranking may not yet be cleared and it may then be that it may be stuck at the top if the other higher-ranking animal is comfortable at the ramp exit. It can also be that the older animal does not use the upper floor at some point because it simply does not create the physically anymore.
The only sensible solution is: build your own stable – as large as possible and on one level. This is not so difficult, it costs hardly more than a purchased and construction instructions you can find lots of things on the Internet.
🙂 and the other guinea pig is new but in the same age as the other
Yes, but it is also possible that the ramp is too steep. Older MS get from ramps Artrose with severe pain in the joints.
Please inform yourself about art-friendly attitude and art-friendly enclosure. Outside only from 4 animals and minimum size 2 m2 (2 m long, 1 m wide) on one level.
Link 1 : https://meerschweinchen-nothilfe-hamburg.de/merkblatt.pdf
Link 2: https://meerschweinchen-nothilfe-hamburg.de/Pflegehandbuch.pdf
I have been very well informed of this thanks:) and whose real right level is up there we always put it in the largest we have built the lower one and that is too small
Then you didn’t know you correctly. The 2 m2 must be on one level without floors. Floor racks are unsuitable.
girl IST IT DOCH AUCH her upper level is her right level we have only built the cage on another because we wanted her to get a bit more space