Kann man Chilli Saucen als Marinade nutzen?
Hi, ich liebe Scharfes Essen je schärfer desto besser deswegen habe ich mir so eine Extrem Scharfe Carolina Reaper Soße bestellt kann ich nun zbm Fleisch damit marinieren und braten oder verflüchtigt sich die Schärfe beim Braten?
Of course you can.
I wouldn’t do that, but you can do it. But remember that you need to dry the meat before roasting – so without this marinade roast. For it burns otherwise and the flesh tastes bitter.
Here is a recipe for a fast and self-made marinade:
Salt only during roasting. And here too, before the roast the meat is dried again.
“Puffy” marinade I tend to use more when the meat is swollen.
Better Harrissa
Spice mix?
Harissa is a spice paste. This fiery spice paste is produced from the following basic ingredients: chilis, cumin, coriander and garlic. Depending on the region, Harissa is added more spices, including peppermint, cayenne pepper or even rose petals.
Can you post me a link it seems not all to be sharp
Yeah, supersharf. Sharpness 9 – 10
Is it hot?