Kann man Berufsfelder mit Levelgebieten aus MMORPGs vergleichen?
Die unterschiedlichen Berufe haben auch unterschiedliche Schwierigkeitsgrade.
Bürokraft, Verpackung, Lager und Montage wären die leichteren Gebiete.
Was meint Ihr?
In welche Levelbereiche könnte man die unterschiedlichen Berufsfelder von Schwierigkeitsgrad her einordnen? Also von dem leichtesten Berufen angefangen bis zu dem schwersten Berufen.
Because hard is not (only) the profession.
People have different strengths and weaken. That’s what they find easily or hard.
Speak Occupation A is super difficult for Jan if necessary and he does not create training but he creates B with ease. And at Max, it’s very different. The sheep B is not but A is simple.
Anyone who can’t have fun with people will focus on customer contact, for example. Who is bad in math is possibly wrong in accounting.
No, you can’t.
If you do an education, you have to choose a profession.
You can do everything in an MMORPG, from light to heavy.
That is why it is not comparable.