Kann man beim Tierarzt bar bezahlen?
ich bin 16 und besitze leider noch keine Kreditkarte. Ich hab bald einen Tierarzt Termin und fahre dort hin ohne meine Eltern hin, da diese keine Zeit haben. Kann ich beim Tierarzt auch bar bezahlen oder müssen das die Eltern mit der Kreditkarte machen ?
I dare to doubt that veterinarian practices accept a credit card payment at all. However, payment with cash and Girocard is always possible without problems.
With my veterinarians, it was so far that they even preferred payment. One didn’t even offer anything else, because no reader was purchased.
Call and ask for emergency. But I don’t see a problem. 😃
Usually nothing goes against cash. In the current situation, however, it could be that the veterinarian prefers cashless payment. The best way to contact us by phone.
The veterinarians usually want their compensation immediately,baror via EC card, unlessmanis regular. Then ifmanhas proven to be reliable, this is also done by invoice and transfer.
Most veterinarians even prefer cash. You don’t have to worry about it 🙂
I pay the veterinarian mostly cash and larger sums from 50 euros with a current card.
I always pay cash for our vet.
He doesn’t care if he has a card or cash.
With my veterinarian, cash payment goes without problems.
So I’ve always paid cash…why not, I think that can be done with most..
Of course you can pay cash.