Kann man beim Backen von Cookies auch Speisestärke statt Soda verwenden?
Ich möchte von Außen harte und Innen weiche Cookies backen, allerdings wird in meiner Vorlage Soda für das Backen verwendet, welches ich nicht zur verfügung habe. Ist es möglich Soda durch Speisestärke zu ersetzen?
No. Soda is used as a baking agent. You can also use baking powder. But edibleness won’t work.
Of course not.
but you can use back powder instead of soda.
that is the question. first you say it’s not possible, udn in 2. Set you say it is…
that is because the question has been changed. Originally, it was asked if you can use strength instead of Soda, and of course that is not possible.
Question was changed, the question was originally not baking powder, but edible.
Nice method to be ignored in future questions.
(Although I don’t understand that they don’t create a history – is a good standard on the net. 🤷 ♂️)
Edit: Userin is already set to “inactive”. 🤷
I have reported the question and asked to restore the original text.