Kann man bei einer 1:25 motorsäge 2 takt Benzingemisch nehmen das von 1:25 bis 1:50 verwendet werden kann?
Kann man bei einer 1:25 motorsäge 2 takt Benzingemisch nehmen das von 1:25 bis 1:50 verwendet werden kann?
Kann man bei einer 1:25 motorsäge 2 takt Benzingemisch nehmen das von 1:25 bis 1:50 verwendet werden kann?
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The fuel is a so-called special fuel consisting of alkylate gasoline (synthetic gasoline) and oil.
It covers the mixing ratios of 1 : 20 to 1 : 50.
If you look at the high price, the fuel has many advantages, so are e.g. the exhaust gases are significantly less harmful to health, the combustion is cleaner, fewer deposits occur in the engine and exhaust…
However, never mix this special fuel with conventional two-stroke mixture – both types of fuel do not get to grips, which can lead to problems – therefore, in principle, in a changeover before empty the tank.
When converting conventional mixture to special fuel, there may be problems, especially when long conventional mixture has been used.
It can then happen that deposits in the combustion chamber dissolve and it can also happen that the gasoline hoses and/or the membranes of the membrane gasifier become brittle and porous.
As a short guide to the conversion:
Tank empty/empty drive – Special fuel tank – start sawing and run for a few minutes at stand gas – normal working with the saw – check the petrol hoses for leaks at the end of work – if leaky, they can easily be replaced.
My acquaintance had hired something at the carburetor(?) but I don’t know what. At that time the saw was brand new and it was only operated with Aspen 2 from day 1.
Yeah, that’s possible that the carburetor had to be readjusted.
The saw is delivered with factory setting and runs with it.
It is only a difference whether the same saw is used on the coast or in the Alps – one can and should fine-tune the carburetor again, based on the site of use.
Modern saws have an electronic carburetor that adjusts itself.
Can you take, is even better than mixed yourself. Burns cleaner and doesn’t smell so extreme. It can be that the carburetor has to be re-adjusted but otherwise horny thing.
Thanks is a 20-year old saw
If the saw is already so old and has been refueled with conventional two-stroke mixture, you should unscrew the spark plug, slowly pull it at the starter rope until the piston is at the top, i.e. at the top dead center.
Then light on the piston with a flashlight through the spark plug bore to determine whether there is a thick layer of deposits/crustations.
If no, the conversion to special fuel is not a problem, but if so, the cylinder should be disassembled and the piston should be carefully cleaned.
It may occur, fortunately, only rarely, that these deposits are released and that some of them are located between the piston shirt and the cylinder runway.
only 3 days ago
And just walked with mixture before? It can be the saw then zigzag. I’ve changed two saws that went with mixture around the 8 years to SK, where I had to change the carburetor, and I didn’t have to do anything with the others. They better jump and don’t stink like that anymore, but on the net you find some horror stories where the saws after the repositioning allegedly had a pistol or even were total damage.
Do you have any brand and type?
Sorry for my somewhat annoyed answer
What does the devil mean again automatic chain brake
A peasant has said pure the thing and then it runs again
Got the saw of e
That should be self-evident.
Unsafe device in the hand of a laity without protective equipment. That’s not a good combination.
Then we should recommend the FS to take part in a chain saw course and of course also to get cut protection pants and cut protection jacket, of course also safety shoes or safety boots.
That’s right. Only those who ask for the fuel will probably want to use the saw.
But the FS is not really familiar with matter. I suppose he’s a complete layman. At least his question reads.
For a layman, I do not think it is advisable to use such an old saw. We should point out the dangers.
I have an old blue solo rex in the shed. I wouldn’t leave it to a novice under any circumstances. I have great respect for the part myself.
All right but you don’t think how many of the legendary Stihl 08 are still in use – they were built from 1963 and the engine was also used for other devices.
The questioner, however, was concerned with the fuel and not with chain brakes and AV handles to counteract the white finger disease which had previously occurred with forestry workers.
I have a Sachs-Dolmar 120 from 1983. At that time 1:50 was already standard.
The 1:25 saws that are familiar to me regularly have no automatic chain brake.
Therefore, I would advise on the use of these saws to protect my own health.
It’s known to me, but you can’t rule out that jmd. still has such an old saw.
I know jmd. who collects old saws and has over twenty pieces – for the owner and other old saws my hint may be helpful…
20 years ago, 1:50 had long been standard.
1:25 saws are 70s or older and regularly do not meet today’s safety requirements.
What the hell is that saw?
1:50 has been standard for decades.
I would strongly advise the use of this saw.
Is a saw without a brand standing up to us 1:25 mix
But still leaves perfectly and in the forest with my friend the 50 years old farmer has made wood for choppers
You should be able to use the sprite. The types of fuel must not be mixed. In any case with the old Sprit completely empty.
However, 1:25 has not been used by well-known manufacturers for at least 40 years.
So I’m worried about your safety.
The last saws I know at 1:25 had no automatic chain brake, for example.
Such a part in the hand of a layman, possibly without protective equipment, I really don’t think I’m comfortable.
Can you use the sprit?