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8 months ago

This has nothing to do with the outside temperature. I already had 39.7°C at -5 degrees and at +30 degrees. That was not solemn both.

8 months ago

Fieber has nothing to do with the outside temperature. However, sweating can also have other reasons such as low blood pressure or blood sugar, effort, etc.

8 months ago

You can also have 20 degrees fever at minus. The body temperature thus basically has nothing to do with the outside temperature, the body always keeps the body temperature constant under normal circumstances and lifts/slows it as required, except for being exposed to such heat or cold that this control mechanism fails, but then one has a serious problem (heat beat or frost).

As the fever rises, you fry (smooth) when the fever falls again sweats. If you have fever and sweat very hard, this is usually a sign that the fever is just at the end.

8 months ago

Apparently due to humidity

8 months ago

Fieber has nothing to do with the outside temperature.

Fieber is an increase in your otherwise constant body temperature.

If you feel hot/cold, then the guess is that you have fever. Take a fever thermometer. Then put yourself in bed and rest.

8 months ago
Reply to  Hendrik532

Yeah, that’s definitely light fever.
Don’t play the hero, make a hot tea and put yourself in bed.
Sleep is the best medicine.
If you have someone with you, let yourself do a good hot, strong broth.
Good improvement

8 months ago

Dear Hendrik, that may be all. With fever – and only right at +38°C is not too fun. Your body needs rest. That’s why you feel so funny and sweating.
Go and lie down. If you don’t feel good at 6:00, your birthday and pizza must be off for you. It’s stupid, but it’s just reasonable.

8 months ago

Of course, you can also get fever at 18 degrees.

Ask your supervisor where the fever thermometer is and how to use it.

You could also discuss the measurement result with him – but I’m afraid you’ll ask a separate question.