Kann man Ballett mit 15 anfangen?
Hallo, ich bin 14 und werde bald 15 und ich würde gerne Ballett lernen, aber ich denke ich bin schon zu alt um damit anzufangen. Flexibel bin ich auch noch nicht, ich arbeite aber daran!
Ist es empfohlen/ok mit so einem Alter anzufangen oder geht das wirklich nur als Kind?
Well, I’m just starting with about 20. You can still learn well and it is fun
if you have fun at ballet then you can never be too old for something, it might be hard to learn ballet at the beginning, but don’t let you demotivate.
Thank you for your answer!
I don’t know how long the cliché thinks that ballet is just a little girl.
My sister started ballet at 16 years.
Many also start as adults, even as seniors. For good reason: dancing keeps you physically and mentally fit and improves your walking stability at an advanced age, as the sense of balance is trained.
And some profit dancers, no matter what dance direction, do not have so much younger.
I wish you a lot of fun learning at ballet!
“Dance is dreaming with the feet”
I am 14 and I am 15. I got to start with ballet too. Have read me cleverly now and see many positive things in it better to start late than never.
Sure you can.
However, it is always best to start with it early!
As long as you’re not dreaming of a career as a dancer, you’re just kidding me.
Thanks for the answer
everything you do for your body is good, no matter what age!
udn even fun: yes, what do you want more?
Come on!
Thanks for the answer, has really motivated me 🙂