Kann man Autismus selbst diagnostizieren?
Die Anzeichen sind bei mir ziemlich eindeutig mit sozialen Problemen und Stimming aber ich habe keine offizielle Diagnose. Kann man Autismus selbst diagnostizieren?
Die Anzeichen sind bei mir ziemlich eindeutig mit sozialen Problemen und Stimming aber ich habe keine offizielle Diagnose. Kann man Autismus selbst diagnostizieren?
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You can’t diagnose it, but you can recognize it.
Meet enough qualities of these people on you are probably one.
Nein, das sind nur Vermutungen. Viele interpretieren auch Schüchternheit, soziale Ängste oder dergleichen als Anzeichen von Autismus.
Yes, you can diagnose it yourself, but the diagnosis is then recognized by no doctor or by public bodies.
I diagnosed autism. I had to
The diagnosis consisted of two parts: filling out two questionnaires, and a personal survey of me and my mother. You can also find the questionnaires online (embrace-autism.com). I should RAADS-R and EQ fill in.
You can see symptome from autism, but in self-diagnosis I would be careful because imagine you say almost everyone in your acquaintance that you are autistic and eventually get an official autism diagnosis, where that’s what you’re not autistic, I’d rather take care of it. I’d advise you if you suspect that you might have autism, go with it to a psychologist who knows autism. I am self autist I know where I am talking about.
No, fortunately, this is not possible, otherwise any idiot could claim that he would have autism and then he would also use therapy and those who need a therapy will not get a place because someone would have claimed autism
Even the “Idiot” without autism does not take advantage of it without suffering.
You can think that you are an autist – but without confirmation by an autistic psychiatrist / neurologist, you are just a person who thinks he has autism.
All the world’s self-tests do not change anything in the above statement.
Erkennen kann man dass man zum Beispiel viele Anzeichen dafür hat wie ich auch das diagnostizieren übernehmen dann Experten ich bin auch schon auf einer Warteliste für eine Psychologin die sich damit auskennt
Definitely not.
No, it’s not fortunate. You have to be a psychologist.
Nö, but to a psychiatrist or neurologist who has completed the field of autism in addition to normal studies.
Autism may also be diagnosed and secured by approved psychotherapists (for this they do not have to be a doctor/psychiater/ neurologist, etc.). This is just a rumor, which keeps itself stubborn under autists.
It is a diagnosis of category F (soul) (e.g. according to ICD10 which is still often used). The diagnostics are also carried out by psychotherapists in any case, even in corresponding psychiatrics. Autism may (and will) be tested and secured by approved psychotherapists. In addition, only the knowledge in the field is important in order to be able to carry out and secure the diagnosis of good conscience. A psychiatrist is then usually important for drugs and as a contact person for authorities. But this is also the case with other F diagnosis. Not only for ADHD, autism, etc.
I know. But as a rule, no one goes to the psychologist, but means (particularly in the context) to the psychotherapist in practice etc. for therapy and, or clarification. And there’s a lot of things going on. From the point of view, these distinctions are no longer decisive for others, or of interest, or even of importance. Most people say the psychotherapists – psychologists, so ultimately mean the same thing.
Psychotichearts are something different than psychologists.
You can just claim to have autism. Diagnosis put doctors.