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8 years ago

You can do a lot, but it’s quickly illegal. You must not drive in public transport, some of which include private grounds such as a supermarket parking lot.

On a private (!) forest or field path that is explicitly not accessible to other road users, you can drive. It is difficult, because pedestrians are usually allowed to stay there (especially the forest law has its regulations, which actually make every way a public – at least for pedestrians and that’s enough)….

On a locked practice ground, in a private gravel pit, on a company premises… across a private lawn, a private field… you can definitely.

8 years ago

The question is not whether a field or forest path is unconsolidated. It’s just about whether the path is public or not. As a rule, these paths are public, but in rare cases they are blocked by barriers. To practice, therefore, choose a private ground where no one is allowed to stop without permission.