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For road-approved enduros there are tires with asphalt-fitting profile. If your cross has equal rims, they also fit. Z.b. 19″ or 21″
Simply enter your rim sizes with an online tyre dealer, or on the sides of the tyre manufacturer.
The sense of such an action does not come to me. Because so long private roads that this is worth it hardly. With the private meadows and forests of the alleged parents and uncles it is the same.
MiR has recently met such a wild driver on the trails. It’ll be a plage.
It’s different;-)
You do NOT drive on the road with a motocross and then you do not need road tires.
Best regards
Wouldn’t be legal anyway
I meant driving on a private ground!
Oh, I’d be new, but could be that supermotos are practically the same and have road tires on it.
Thank you.
clear, just what do road tires use on the full-cross machine??
Tell me!
these machines have no road registration
I know they don’t have permission, but there are long private roads where you can drive. And since you don’t drive with cross tires on a STRAßE, I wanted to make road tires on it.
yes neh is clear, here everyone knows the Oberförster persönlihc and has received the express permission.
do not know private roads – when private grounds are fenced. No public transport access.
I mean