Kann man auch einfach Kontaktlinsen aus dem Internet bestellen?

Ich möchte ab nach den Sommerferien (habe ich in 4 Tagen) gerne teils auf Kontaktlinsen wechseln, also das ich mal die Brille trage und mal Kontaktlinsen oder von mir aus auch nur Kontaktlinsen. Meine Eltern sind damit einverstanden, wir haben aber noch nichts genaues besprochen, meine Mama meinte ich würde wenn warscheinlich harte brauchen. Mit dem Termin beim Optiker und dann die Anfertigung würde das aber denke ich sehr lange brauchen und ich hätte sie gerne so schnell wie möglich zum nächsten Schuljahr.

Auf Seiten wie die von Fielmann kann man auch Kontaktlinsen bestellen. Es gibt da Tages und Monats Linsen wo du die passende Stärke eingibst und so, das die dann auch passen .
Ich habe vorher noch nie Kontaktlinsen getragen und habe keine Ahnung davon, aber könnte man die für den Anfang (als Übergangslösung bis man welche vom Optiker angefertigte hat) verwenden?

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1 year ago

I’d just go by the optician (e.g. Fielmann) and ask. An adjustment where the handling (in the case of monthly lenses also the cleaning,…) is explained to you and if it does not damage the eyes, I find it very useful. But as I said, I’d go by and ask.

1 year ago

Take these thoughts out of your head with INternet if your eye health is important to you.
Contact lenses that are not adapted by professionals can cause irreparable eye damage.
You don’t know the strength, it’s different from the lens thickness
You don’t know the right diameter
You don’t know the right radius
You do not know the lens type important for the cornea
You don’t know the correct lens material for the cornea
I’m sure you don’t know what liquids are with your tear fluid.
If only one of the points mentioned is not true, the damage may occur.
Here you can find out more:


Remember, even you have only two eyes that do not renew in case of damage.

1 year ago

The vision is the one… But what about the cylinder? Often contact lenses with pure strength are not sufficient, under certain circumstances even poor, since the cylinder is not taken into account. In any case, contact lenses should be personalized with a good optician, so that one actually helps the eye.

1 year ago

When you buy contact lenses for good luck (on the net), you always run the risk that they are not good for your eyes. Also, you don’t have any indications about quality. You’ll only get all this if you let them fit professionally. For this, the path (after your doctor gave his OK to the lens support) leads to the optician or to the optician. Various measurements are made there. Based on the values, the adaptor or the adaptor then decides which contact lenses are suitable for you (material, fit, …), how long you can wear them maximum on the day, etc. You will also get an introduction to the correct handling (up and down) and care. If you can do it alone to put the lenses on and off, you’ll get test lenses. You can then test these for a few days. Then it goes again for post-control with the adaptor or with the adaptor. If everything is okay, you can buy the lenses in the used quantity (depending on whether they are, for example, day, month or year lenses). You should check it out at least once a year.

I can only recommend that you do it properly and not buy any lenses quickly. And: You may get the lenses on the day of adjustment.:)