Kann man anhand eines Blutdrucks bestimmte Krankheiten ausschließen?

Wenn bei einem der Blutdruck gut ist, kann man dann sagen, diese Person ist generell gesund? So im allgemeinen?
Oder kann es dennoch sein, dass zb das Herz krank ist .
Ich war letzte Woche beim Arzt ( generell Check up) hatte einen Blutdruck von 125/80. er meinte das wäre gut.

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9 months ago

No, you can’t.

Measuring blood pressure is part of normal checkup. If he’s good, that’s good, but it doesn’t mean anything else can’t be okay.

But there is more evidence to do this, and the doctor pays attention to it.

If, on the other hand, blood pressure is too high, this is generally not good even if you are absolutely healthy. The reason is that chronically increased blood pressure can lead to damage in the blood circulation system and must therefore be lowered with medications so that this cannot happen.

9 months ago


9 months ago

If you always have good blood pressures, at least you don’t have high blood pressure.

You can’t exclude anything.

9 months ago

No, you can’t. A sick heart can also provide good blood pressure.