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First of all, of course, it is true that a woman is fruitful only a few days in the cycle. But to determine exactly the time is difficult. A ripe egg cell is fertilized for up to twelve hours after ovulation. However, because sperm can survive up to six days in the extreme case in the female body, there is a possibility for up to six and a half days per cycle to be pregnant by unprotected intercourse. So the fertile time of a woman can begin six days before the ovulation and ends around twelve hours after it. A short cycle increases the risk. Who now calculates a bit, realizes that fertilization can take place even during menstruation. Because every woman has a different long cycle – this is the span from the first day of the monthly bleeding until the day before the next period. The cycle of most women lasts about 28 days, but is possible between 21 and 35 days. Especially for younger women, the cycle is often still very irregular and does not have the same length every time. By stress, shiftwork, holiday trips etc., the cycle can also get out of the clock again and again later.
Greetings HobbyTfz
Thanks for the star
The ovulation could take place on day 9, for example. That’s why every day.
Even if it was only on cycle day 21 during the last cycle? And even more nieee came so timely
Sure. Each cycle can be different from the one before. Cycle day 21 is rather late. Cycle day 9 would be normal.
Yes can happen. There is no guarantee that the ovulation takes place on day x.
But is more unlikely?
more unlikely in a regular cycle yes. But not unlikely enough to prevent;)
If the ovulation moves forward, then it’s more likely to come.
Can you recommend trackle :3
As far as I know you can always get pregnant as the sperms can survive a week in the vagina
Nothing is impossible.