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1 year ago

in many banks there is a coin counter – there is no appearance at the bottom, but you can write it directly from there to your account – or you can go from the counter to the counter and pay it out (Note: Fee!)

1 year ago

Yes, but it costs 10-15% mostly

So you only get 42,50.

1 year ago

You can do it at the bank or go to an Edeka that has a “Coinmaster”.

There you can tip all the money into the machines then get something like a pawn, you can put it at the checkout and you get money for it.

IMPORTANT the machine asks you at the end of the count if you have already used the Coinmaster…click there on no to avoid billing.

1 year ago

In some rewe, however, you have to pay 10%. Better take a self-service bank and there is gradually out. Always 2 or 3 € in.

1 year ago

Jo, there are some supermarkets – but of course not free.