Kann man an 840 mg mirtazapin sterben?
Meine Freundin hat 840 mg mirtazapin genommen kann sie davon sterben?
Meine Freundin hat 840 mg mirtazapin genommen kann sie davon sterben?
I have a few friends who started smoking weed at 12. My question is, how did it damage their bodies? Just for your information, they're 15 now and haven't stopped yet.
Ich habe Depression und es ist immer das gleiche. Ich fühle mich einfach wertlos.
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Hey, I got a new cell phone yesterday. It wasn't a Christmas present, but my other phone broke completely, so my dad ordered a new one for me. Yesterday we tried to set it up, but it wasn't working as it should. My parents had already given up, but I kept trying and seeing what…
Hallo, ich kann einfach nicht mehr… Vor paar Minuten wollte ich normal einschlafen, und mein Vater wollte mir noch gute nacht sagen, und da hat alles angefangen, er hat gefragt ob ich finde das er nicht genug Geld hat, und ich habe gesagt das dass nicht stimmt und er mir eigentlich alles bietet, und dann…
Die Überlegung ist, dass Träume Szenerien aus einem anderen Leben darstellen, dass man entweder vor oder nach dem jetzigen geführt hat, oder gar ein Fremdes und nicht das eigene? Wie seht ihr das? Was träumt ihr so? Gibt es irgendwelche Menschen, die sich damit beschäftigt haben, und eventuell was dazu niedergeschrieben haben?
The normal dosage is 15-45 mg. Thus, 840mg is too high!
It can cause significant cardiac syndrome disorders and greatly impair the consciousness. It’s definitely dangerous, but unlikely to be fatal. I mean, once read that a person took 4g, one night was medically monitored on the monitor and had a critical cardiac rhythm condition about 1-2 hours, but it was all over.
The usual dose of mirtazapine is 15-45 mg. The 840 mg are well overdosed. This is a medical emergency. Turn around immediately to the rescue center number 112.
Here from a package leaflet: “If you have taken a larger amount of “Mirtazapin biomo 15mg film tablets” than you should, contact a doctor immediately. The most probable signs of an overdose “Mirtazapin biomo 15mg film tablets” (without other medicines or alcohol) are sleepiness, disorientation and increased heart rate as well as pressure to severe pain in the liver and kidneys.”
The best way to get involved in medical emergencies is to provide specialist personnel. In the hospital you will certainly be able to help on the phone. Love
Mirtazapine is similar to tricyclic antidepressants. These can lead to death in overdoses. 840 mg is a considerable overdose, which is a very serious thing.
Contact ….
or call the 112.
Please contact a doctor
is she no longer able to die?
A mirtazapine overdose leads to sleepiness and disorientation. In this case, the attending physician should be notified immediately.
Please call a doctor
Thank you for taking care of your girlfriend. This high overdose was really very dangerous.
I hope it’s okay. However, there will certainly be psychiatric housing. Since it is classified as a suicide
An ambulance picked her up with blue light, I hope she will make it
How likely is your girlfriend at home? Do you know her address? If so, you should tell the rescue department.
Call the police!
I don’t get it right now
No. Your friend needs SOFORT medical help.
she no longer reports and I don’t know where she is?What can all happen so even if you go to the doctor a few days later?