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5 years ago

You are not suitable to become pilots if you have to ask such a question.

Question: Why should there be no relationship? Pilots work in shiftwork, and if you don’t have the necessary self-confidence to make it clear to your partner, then, as I said, you shouldn’t be a pilot.

By the way: A pilot flying short distance is usually home every night. But this can also be after midnight if he has the last flight.

5 years ago

even pilots have some evenings or free days. they only have to find the right partner(s) . this must be able to handle that one is a long time to house. my son was also together for 2 years with a flight attendant who flew length. that was a whole laugh away.

5 years ago


That’s not a problem. There are also people who lead remote relations and be pilot is just a job.

My godfather is also a pilot and married (even if I should fairly mention that a woman is Stewardess :D)

5 years ago

With limitations yes. If it’s your trsum job, do it. The appropriate partner can be found.

5 years ago

I am not a pilot, but the idea that all pilots at Lufthansa without partners are absurd.

Depending on which route you fly, you can hardly be home to other professionals.

5 years ago

If you want to lead one, you’ll find ways for it.

5 years ago

I even think several. Depends on where to fly.

5 years ago

Yeah, you can! Why not?

It’s good if you don’t come home every night at 5:00. This increases the charm of the relationship.

5 years ago

So I have an old acquaintance who’s a pilot and has wife and children for over 10 years. So hypothetical: Yes, you can. Just not everyone.

5 years ago

Question: Why not?

What’s different from a distance relationship?

5 years ago

Not to give the friend the slippers every day or to offer him 3 meals a day.

You think so?

5 years ago

Why wouldn’t it go?

5 years ago

Yeah, you can.

5 years ago

Why shouldn’t that go. All three Lufthansa pilots I know are married. I hope that will help you.