Kann man als KFZ Mechatroniker gut verdienen?

vielleicht finden sich hier ja welche die das Hauptberuflich machen oder gemacht haben.

Ich würde gerne wissen wie Zukunftssicher der Job ist, wie das Gehalt ist und wie sehr das auf den Körper geht.

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1 month ago

I learned in the craftsmanship and then I changed to the industry. In an automobile manufacturer, we have earned quite well at the Damali time, but we also have to work a lot, which goes beyond the peculiar repartament history. So also problem solutions and specifications for later workers developed and cost-saving other components tested.

I worked in the dedication area for over 45 years and I also got around far in terms of foreign operations. These jobs, however, are rarely sewn and are super-paid. All the target charges have now been significantly reduced but are still better than in normal workshop operations because the industrial tariffs apply here.

1 month ago

You can inform yourself about your earning opportunities, depending on age and region: https://web.arbeitsagentur.de/lohnatlas/

On the topic of future-proof: Maybe the job futuromat will help you. It shows you what activities can be automated within the profession. It’s interesting. https://job-futuromat.iab.de/#top

If you want to learn more about the profession, I recommend BERUFENET. There you will find all the information, e.g. what perspectives you have or what alternatives there are: https://web.arbeitsagentur.de/berufenet/