Can you earn good money as a master hairdresser?
Hello folks,
Do you know if it is possible to earn 3-5k a month as a master hairdresser?
Hello folks,
Do you know if it is possible to earn 3-5k a month as a master hairdresser?
Hello, I have started a new job, but I am dissatisfied and would like to look for another position. My notice period during the probationary period is four weeks, and I am still in that period. If I resign and my employer wants to release me, does he or she have to continue paying my…
Do you really have to accept poverty because it is almost impossible to get out of it? I mean, a lot of jobs don't pay very well, and the ones that do pay well are, of course, extremely difficult to get, and you still don't usually get rich from them. So is it hopeless to…
Income 4000 EUR per month alone.
Hello everyone. I'm 23 years old and a student. I quit my last job and am now looking for something new. I've always worked part-time and receive maintenance, which has always worked out well so far. Now I'm considering a part-time job where I would earn around €800 plus maintenance. Now to my question: If…
Not more. Not even gross.,year%20and%20month%203.067%20%E2%82%AC.
Net? With your own store, maybe.
Gross even without.
Ois kloa?