Kann man als Erwachsener noch Klavier lernen?

Ich bin bald 20 Jahre und möchte mir jetzt meinen Kindheitstraum erfüllen Klavier zu lernen.

Glaubt Ihr das es leicht wird?

Muss man dann Noten lernen oder kann ich einfach Stücke selber lernen?

Danke schonmal! 🙂

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4 months ago

Basically yes. An instrument can always be learned, even if it is no longer enough for a professional career 😉 But it’ll be enough for home use.

Of course, you have to be willing to invest some time. Possible daily practice and diligence are very important to make progress. Also a professional approach, i.e.: teaching, can make sense.

4 months ago
Reply to  nanei231

I don’t have any experience with the piano, but I still learned guitar at the advanced age (classical and Western) and my teacher calls my skills advanced. I think, with a corresponding diligence and, indeed, the learning of notes, you should also succeed in the piano.

4 months ago
Reply to  Teifi

I agree with you in everything you say, just what does not mean “not more enough for a professional career? How likely is a professional career where you almost only earned your piano salary with concerts alone? It is almost no matter what age you start with it, because this goal is achieved by the least. So probably clear, but I’m reading this again and again, where people start beyond childhood and then is claimed “yes concert pianist you won’t be anymore” (exaggeratedly formulated), as though otherwise it would have gone. By the way, cool that you have fun with the guitar and that seemingly made a lot!

4 months ago
Reply to  Kathi803

Sorry, I might have said something too snucky. Therefore also the Zwinkersmiley behind the sentence.

People who start learning an instrument as a child naturally have a starting advantage (so far they stay). Some are then also able to perform concerts in the amateur area. I don’t dare to (joy to accompany children on the guitar).

4 months ago

Yeah, you can. No, it won’t be easy.

The most important reason why one usually starts as a child is that there are parents who exhort one. As an adult you have to motivate yourself, that’s not easy.

The second reason is that children have no problem with not being able to do anything yet. This is her everyday life. Adults often doubt it when it is still incomplete. And adults are also not praised for the first melodies.

Nevertheless, you can learn an instrument at any age. Many adults do that. And don’t be afraid of the notes. Notes are your friends. They will help you play. Reading notes is not complicated either. You just have to practice it – as much.

4 months ago

Can you learn piano as an adult?

Yeah, sure, get up.

Do you think it’s gonna be easy?

Of course not. Then it would be pretty boring.

You need to learn notes

It would make sense, yes, you can teach yourself. On the Internet you find everything necessary.

can I just learn pieces?

Well, there’s something. A teacher would make sense. Depends on whether you want to be good or just clash a bit. It should be planned in advance.

lg up

4 months ago

The most important thing first: with 20 you are not too old to learn another instrument. But it must be clear to you that you have to consistently provide the training time, besides profession, family and what you have to do. And: without an instrument at home, be it a “real piano” or the electronic variant (stage piano) is not possible.

Next topic: Teacher or not? I’ll tell you clearly take lessons. Why?

You’ve lost time to your decision. A teacher takes you right from the start, shows and above all corrects the basics so that you get a better basis and make faster progress… so at least the theory.

Otherwise: do not wait, do!


4 months ago

I started learning on the KeyBoard with 14 (Bin now 22). At that time, I thought it was too late, but an older woman had said to me: if you look at how much you learned in 5 years, you will not think it was too late. And what should I say she was right:D and learning grades is not relevant. You can also learn such songs by heart, then just take a bit and with notes you are more flexible ^^^.

4 months ago

Of course you can. However, it will not be easy to read and at least read notes (at least the basic tones) would be practical. It is a very time-consuming hobby, so enough motivation is most important.

4 months ago

Of course you’re never too old.

It is in the piano as well as in other instruments that is and remains a lichen work.

The desire not to lose because not to achieve immediate success is already very great.

4 months ago

In any case, you can learn the piano playing with 20.
Still the fingers are not too stiff as if you could not grab a bit of exercise over an octave.

I would then really take intensive lessons and not experiment with DIY books.

But it has a hook:
Concert pianist is no longer a late lighter.

4 months ago
Reply to  electrician

Concert pianist is no longer a late lighter.

No problem, because who will that anyway? (Welcome to say, how many concert pianists can you call me from the standpoint? :DD)