Kann man alleine in die Notaufnahme, ohne dass die Eltern was davon mitbekommen?

Rein theoretisch, wenn man sich selbst verletzt und man merkt man braucht medizinische Hilfe, z.B. man muss genäht werden oder gut verbunden werden oder so und man geht alleine in die Notaufnahme oder ins Krankenhaus oder so, kann man dort (mit 17) behandelt werden ohne, dass die Eltern gerufen werden oder irgendwie so, dass es ‘anonym’ bleibt ???

Würde mich über eine schnelle gute Antwort freuen 🙂


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3 months ago

In principle, a doctor in a patient over 15 years of age must also comply with the parent’s medical obligation, provided that the doctor has the impression that the patient has the necessary maturity and insight and acts for his well-being. So if you’re hurting yourself, you can’t start out

3 months ago

If you’ve got the sick card, I don’t know if they’d have to get the parents in case of self-infringement.

3 months ago
Reply to  meuszn

But with the health insurance card, the parents would get it sometime, right?

Why? Are you privately insured?

3 months ago

Everyone can go to the emergency room. He just has to be able to say what he’s missing or what hurts him. And he has to be treated without K insurance card. Nor does it need to say how he is or whether he has relatives.

3 months ago

Yes, with 17. With the ability to educate, parents are obliged to remain silent and you can deny information.

You can learn from 16.

At all events, I am not quite sure about business.