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6 months ago

Acne is formed by an overfunction of the sebaceous glands, which cannot be treated permanently from the outside. Isotretinoin is currently the only drug that can enable healing, but the side effects are significant.

6 months ago

This depends on the strength of the skin disease. In most cases, snoring can remain.

I had acne myself at the end of the puberty, which expressed itself through many pimples and crustations on the cheeks, the forehead and the nose and improved over the course of my 20s with a cream from my then skin doctor.

Today, there are still light rough skin spots on my cheeks, which can be reddened with warmth and various emotional conditions, but otherwise it is a significant improvement in contrast to puberty.

6 months ago

Depends on the cause. If it’s because of the hormones, it only cures after puberty itself. Was with me too, since I was 17 no acne anymore