Kann man abgelaufenes im gekauften Laden zurück geben?

Ich hab gestern in Rewe Brot zum fertig backen gekauft und hab gesehen das es vor zwei Monaten abgelaufen ist.
Den Kassenbon hab ich noch hier meint ihr ich kann das zurück bringen und ich bekomme mein Geld dann zurück?

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1 year ago

Yeah, I can. Luckily, I’ve only rarely happened to the REWE Center. But it’s just a question about the cunning. As a customer or as an employee, you have no 100% rights to do so. Good thing you got the cash bonus. It’s possible. Yes. You can decide whether you want to get back your take your money back, or choose another product, or simply replace it. It is important that the packaging is NOT opened. Because broken goods and packaging are excluded from exchange in most rules.

This is important: product/goods with cash register bonus at service staff or at the cashier show as complaint.

So, for emergency, the manager will pick up the store manager or, if necessary, for the search. Because he has the higher right.

1 year ago

Of course you can give it back, with Bon it’s no problem anyway.

1 year ago

Imagine the market leader argues as follows:

You bought the bread two months ago. Now you bought a new one and come with the old bread and the new ticket. How do you object? (I guess he won’t do that because he doesn’t want to start a big discussion)

1 year ago

Yes, of course you can and they will take it back.

1 year ago

That’s what I’m doing.

1 year ago

Yeah, try it.