Kann man 30 Grad Wäsche auch mit 40 Grad waschen?

Das Problem ist die Hygiene…. Nur ab 40 Grad steht bei mir Hygiene+, bei 30 Grad Pflegeleichte Wäsche… Zudem dauert das 40 Grad Programm 45 Minuten länger. Da die meiste Wäsche nur noch bei 30 Grad gewaschen werden soll, frag ich mich, ob ich trotzdem 40 Grad nehmen kann. Ich wasche vor allem schwarze Wäsche. Shorts, Poloshirts, Trainingshosen von Adidas, Nike, Puma. Da ja 40 Grad eigentlich nicht heiß ist, kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass Kleidungsstücke eingehen oder sich verfärben. Da eher ab 60 Grad… Welche Erfahrungen habt ihr gemacht und welche Tipps könnt ihr mir geben ? Welches Waschmittel könnt ihr mir empfehlen ? Gibt es welche, die den Weichspüler ersetzen und den Entkalker für die Waschmaschine? Und ich wasche vor allem schwarze Wäsche….

Vielen Dank schon Mal 👍

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8 months ago

30° are completely sufficient. I always wash such things at this temperature because they are not dirty (normal pollution, no mud etc.).

Also saves electricity because 10° more have to be heated, more electricity is consumed and, in principle, do not clean up the laundry.

8 months ago

All under 60 degrees is eyewashing… the detergent ensures hygiene, not only the temperature… even at 20 degrees the laundry (depending on detergent and pollution!) becomes hygienic clean.

8 months ago
Reply to  sa652ma

The problem with too high temperature is also more the higher wear of the material. (cloth size, color). 😉

8 months ago
Reply to  mchawk777

Yeah, that’s why manufacturers give temperatures and if it weren’t hygienic, it would be questionable. Some people would probably like to cook laundry today 😂

8 months ago

Depending on the material, the 30 degrees textiles can shrink at 40 degrees. There is a risk that shirts are too small, socks too tight and trousers too tight. If washed repeatedly too warm, the risk increases.

8 months ago

Can you hang 30 degrees of laundry at +36° for drying? Or wear 37° body temperature?

That doesn’t matter, but much higher could make problems.

8 months ago

In theory, however, there’s a risk that the laundry will take you.

8 months ago

That’s without problems. I personally don’t wash anything below 40 degrees. Manufacturers give less and less temperature than to keep things safe only by 120%

I wash some things on which 30 even stands at 50 degrees

3 months ago

I wash all at 60° Jeans T-Shirts Hoodies Socks Boxershorts etc. In addition to printed hoodies, the pressure is brittle and goes off with the years.

8 months ago

Regarding hygiene: Fully wuppet, this is only interesting from 60 °C. 😉

Regarding material: You should observe the maximum temperature requirements of the manufacturer.

Due to the detergent, the temperature doesn’t matter – or what do you mean, how hot you would otherwise have to wash your fingers to kill bacteria/viruses. That’s the soap.