Kann man 2 Tage nach einer Lebensmittelvergiftung Nudeln essen?
Ich hatte die letzen 2 Tage eine Lebensmittelvergiftung und habe auch dementsprechend nichts gegessen. Mir ist nicht mehr übel, muss nicht mehr brechen und Durchfall ist auch weg. Meint ihr da kann man jetzt wieder Nudeln essen ohne dass es erneut anfängt?
Gastrointestinal flu: This is often caused by viruses such as noroviruses or redavians and can cause similar symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Gastrointestinal diseases can be transmitted by droplet infection when infected persons cough or cut and release the pathogens in the air in the form of tiny droplets.
After food poisoning, it is important to reconcile the gastrointestinal tract slowly to food.
Noodles are usually easily digestible and can be a good choice as long as they are prepared without heavy sauces or spices. Start with small portions and observe how your body reacts.
If you get complaints, stay with light food such as porridge, rice or broth.
If you feel better, you can start noodles slowly, but be careful to eat them easily (without heavy sauces or spices). Start with small portions to see how your body reacts. If you get complaints, stay with light food and consult a doctor if necessary.
LG 🍀
Trying it out again, it was too early. It usually works, especially if you have a certain desire for it or You’re hungry.
Try best, but don’t stuff.
Eat a bit easier, for example a broth. This is also important because of the electrolyte.
Just try. You know what’s gonna get you and what’s not.