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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

In “Ecstasy” there is basically the problem that you can never be sure what is actually contained in it. Usually it is MDMA, but not always or not only. In the case of non-standard illegal drugs, one can only Drugchecking secure. If it is MDMA, it is usually much too much of it, so that a rupture piece of a pill would be completely sufficient.

MDMA itself usually does not lead to death in “normal” dosages in healthy people. There are deaths, but these are usually due to complications. There have already been deaths due to existing health problems (e.g. heart problems), due to interactions with drugs or other drugs (mix consumption), due to overheating/overheating (too much dancing), dehydration (too little water) or also hyperhydration/hyponatriemia (too much water/too little sodium). Apart from this, it is also possible to allergic to MDMA or another component of the pill. So always before allergy test do.

Especially in the case of frequent consumption and high dosages, however, it is also the long-term sequences to be thought of, for example, in the case of neurons. These consequences do not lead directly to death, but are nevertheless to be regarded as negative.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

Does it have a special reason you’re worried about your girlfriend? Maybe you want to talk to her about her substance use. This can help: “We need to talk”,‘we-müssen’

Maybe also helpful: Krisen-und-konflikt/hilfe-kinder-jugendliche-notlagen

2 years ago

Theoretically yes, if they are contaminated with fatal or potentially fatal extenders already

From MDMA (that is, the main active ingredient that is supposed to be in it) you can theoretically also die, but you have to get really hard and get rid of gram-white MDMA

2 years ago

Theoretically yes if it is an overdose or it has been stretched with other substances.

Worry about a girlfriend or was that lying and steadfast talking about yourself?

2 years ago
Reply to  soph3a

Okay good setting

2 years ago

You mean Ecstasy? MDMA?

Usually not, but people have already died. Every year there are 2-6 people who die. You never know how much active ingredient is in such a pill and what else is in it.

A lot of drinking is important, because ecstasy mainly affects the kidneys.

To alleviate your worries – you’d have to worry much more if your girlfriend gets into a car. About 2,500 people die in road traffic. On Ecstasy only about 4.