Kann Kaffee/Koffein müde machen?

Jemand meinte mal, dass wenn man einen hohen Bluthochdruck im allgemeinen hat, könnte es sein, dass man von Koffein nicht wacher wird sondern eventuell müder oder es keine Wirkung hat. Stimmt das?

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2 months ago

Rather with low blood pressure, which is stimulated by caffeine. Increasing blood pressure is also usually better for blood circulation, and caffeine opens the vessels (so people like me drink caffeine with migraine on such days). If you warm something through good blood circulation, it can be good that you get tired too.

In general, caffeine does not work the same every day and can sometimes look stimulating and sometimes make it tired. Depending on how to set up on the day.

And there are not few who are just used to caffeine, even high doses that pennize with an espresso very well…

2 months ago

Hello, Darkonla.😊

Usually coffee does not get tired, however it is possible that it is individual results where the case is reversed.

Greetings, Renate. 😊

2 months ago


Paradox effect.

It would be hyperactive.

Z v. ADHS get speed preparations

So Zappelphilipp gets splashes?

2 months ago

No, but if you drink a lot of caffeine regularly, then your body gets used to it with time and you won’t wake up.

2 months ago

Jaja got that too, my heartbeat will stop at most fast but get mega tired of it, avoid so lately because does not make any sense when I get tired haha

2 months ago

I’ve heard you get tired of coffee for the first half hour. Why in some countries such as Italy, coffee is drunk before bedtime.