Kann k-PTBS und Borderline zusammen Funktionieren?
Hallo ich habe jetzt eine k-PTBS Diagnose meine ex Freundin hat Borderline wir waren beide unbehandelt und so hat die Beziehung gar nicht funktioniert trotzdem lieben wir uns und sind beide in klinischer Behandlung um uns zu bessern. Glaubt die beiden Diagnosen könnten in Zukunft nach guter Behandlung zusammen klar kommen?
You are not diagnoses but individual personalities.
In addition, the diagnosis is also very different.
Surely you have both disorders that affect relationships. It is also up to you whether you harmonize as people, how you can reflect and what your individual problems are.
If you have recognized and worked on your problems, which is why the relationship has failed, then it can go well.
No. Psychopathologies never work together!
It can only work properly if both are healthy (who is this already in the Cluster B company nowadays) otherwise men and women are with various psychopathologies as on steroids in their pairing strategies.
The woman is highly neurotic, and fluctuates emotionally, is constantly afraid to be abandoned and the guy is constantly having confidence problems.
Of course it won’t work. Clear your construction sites! And better not pull together
Still irrelevant 🤣
And what’s so funny now?
How do you think that’s funny?
No, it’s just disrespectful
I think this is a problem for the future. You should focus on yourself for the first time.
Both are difficult and lengthy to treat and therapy interruptions are common in particular in Borderline.
If you are limited to your diagnosis then definitely no. This will be in your way forever. That’s nothing you can handle at the point.