Kann jemand online Schweizer Fernsehen (SRF) streamen?

Auf der Seite https://www.srf.ch/play/tv steht, dass man nur streamen kann wenn man in der Schweiz lebt. Dann habe ich eine Schweizer Ip-adresse angelegt, aber die Wiedergabe hat trotzdem nicht funktioniert. Wie soll ich SRF streamen? Eine ne Idee?

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3 months ago

The broadcasters and online portals always buy the streaming licenses for the broadcasts only for a specific region or certain countries. In the case of the SRF, it is a public television company whose financing depends on the Swiss government. It is difficult to justify why Swiss taxpayers should also pay for long-distance pleasure in other countries.

3 months ago

According to Google, this would have to go through VPN.There should be a Swiss connection. However, there are also VPNs that advertise specifically for Swiss television.