Kann jemand gute 2 takter mit wenig problemen empfehlen?

Hallo erstmal alle,

ich hatte überlegt meinen 4takt roller zu verkaufen um mir nen 2 takter zu holen um den dann zu tunen allerdings machen entdrosselte roller oft probleme. Deswegen wollte ich fragen ob jemand roller kennt die wenige Probleme machen wenn man sie entdrosselt oder sogar umbaut

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1 year ago

Everyone throttled scooter makes “problems” when you get caught with it and please don’t tell us here now that you want to drive only on your pacified property to which the accesses are secured….

When you get caught with the mill, it goes to TÜV or DEKRA, where the test engineers will break up to the last screw if necessary.

Then an expert report is drawn up, of course, which you pay and then it depends on whether only the permit has expired or whether there is a criminal offence, i.e. driving without a driving permit.

You are probably not fully year-round and therefore do not need to fear a fine (up to 180 daily rates) or a prison sentence (up to one year) but do not have enough social hours and a driving licence lock.

You will then stand at the bus stop and wait on the bus and friends of the same age will drive by their own car and friend waving at you….

But if you’re worth it….