Kann jemand einen bequemen Kindersitz empfehlen?
Hallo ihr Lieben! Können Sie mir einen Autositz für Kinder bis 36 kg mit guter Unterstützung des Rückens (insbesondere der Halswirbelsäule) empfehlen? Wir machen lange Reisen und das Baby schläft oft im Auto.
Our friends loaned us the MaxSpace Comfort System + seat for our child during the holidays – the whole trip went smoothly and the child could comfortably sleep during the trip. The seat has a special insert that you can learn more on the website
If you still have a baby, you shouldn’t buy a seat that is up to 36 kilos. If there’s one like that.
These seats are available in different weight classes for free.
And with 36 kilos your child is no longer a baby, but a school child.
It should be at least.
It is a weight class of 15-36kg. Excuse me, maybe I put myself wrong