Kann jemand das Gedicht übersetzen? Was bedeutet es?


Was will uns das Gedicht sagen? Ich verstehe es nicht so ganz. Kann es jemand “übersetzen”?

Der Finger schreibt und gleitet fort, Und all dein Frommsein, all dein Sinnen. Lockt nie zurück ihn, dass er lösche eine Zeile, noch spülen deine Tränen fort ein einzig Wort.

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2 years ago

If one is struggling with his fate and thinks how life could have been without action, then one will not take a step.

The author therefore considers that one should look forward. Don’t worry about what you should have done differently. Let the past be past and see positively in the future. As positive as the present situation permits.

2 years ago

For me, the typical thinking of many imprisoned criminals.

In prison they can no longer rob themselves and kill themselves, so many of a day mean they are now religious believers and find their way of life in them, cultivate flowers behind walls and barbed wire and sing brav – also religious texts from childhood and even pray for forgiveness.

But the evil finger of her hand, who writes her life story, who is responsible for her crime like an evil stranger, unfortunately does not force the Fromm to delete those crimes – even the tears of the sudden sadness that the prisoner is a criminal, does nothing against that finger. Such deeds also remain deeds.

Many murderers are under the influence of drugs, such as alcohol, hashish. As a result, they lose their rational inhibition and their negative emotions such as fear, hatred, ecle, often paired with latent sadism, are unloaded in rape and murder as far as possible for them harmless people, close and strange, women, children and for some reason weakly acting men.

And after this violence, they are convinced that they could never have done the deed. They don’t blame, they are not responsible for it, because they have no sympathy (empathy). Others tell them an act that was theirs.

Why should they, who are so pious and braven, pay for crimes if they have not committed them themselves, but the stranger in them?! The fewest “heavy boys” succeed in changing to Responsibility to themselves and to their crimesThat is why in many states, even until their death, they remain behind bars.

That says me this poem.

2 years ago
Reply to  Skoph

There are these guys actually.

The Bible Smoker

The Hard Life Story of an Ex-Knackis


You have to believe

From the murderer to the human savior.


Freedom behind bars

How God met me in the worst prison in Brazil
