Kann ich vapes für mich und meinen kleinen Bruder kaufen?

Also ich bin 14 und er 13. Sehe aber aus wie 17 oder so. Mein Bruder hat gesagt das die Frau die in dem Laden ist nicht so streng ist und das nicht checken würde. Muss die immer den Personalausweis kontrollieren?

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1 year ago

after what age you look like no one interested. If the trader does not know your age and does not clearly assess over 18 years, he must control the ID and will then find that he must not sell the products to you.

On the other hand, the legislator has already given you a ban on consumption in the public. Only when you have reached the specified age, you also have the freedom to decide to use these products.

1 year ago
Reply to  Xandros0506

On the other hand, the legislator has already given you a ban on consumption in the public.

Even though this is always claimed, it is not true. The Youth Protection Act does not prohibit minors from smoking in the public. It only prohibits adults to allow minors to smoke in the public. However, the minor who smokes in the public does not commit an offence or an offence.

1 year ago
Reply to  DerCaveman

But come out on the same line. If someone reports that or sees a police officer who’s steaming 12-year-old in public, the police take that thing away from you and go to your parents. You don’t get any punishment in that sense, but what awaits you with your parents is not nice when the police come by or call you.

1 year ago

You can’t!

1 year ago

For her safety, she should check the PA with suspicion IMMER. Because there are sensitive punishments for offenses against the JuSchG

1 year ago

If you are the elder then tell the younger brother that it is bad for health and you better leave it completely. Then you can proceed with a good example. That’s a model.

1 year ago

Do they always have to check the ID card?

Yeah, she has to. Whenever not sure the person is old enough.

1 year ago

Just because she’s not strict, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t control it. I’m pretty sure she’ll control it because it’s not allowed at 13/14. Besides, I don’t think it’s good that you’re getting so early. I am 13 myself and I would not recommend this to you in any case, everything has its time 😉 something is also very unhealthy and has many side effects, can of course googlen. Enjoy your times!

1 year ago
Reply to  JakeRemake

Are you expecting us to appreciate that? If you want it, go and ask her. More like NO can’t say it. And if she says you’re lucky. It has nothing to do with ciffs. Calls steam.

1 year ago

Must be in Germany. We can’t tell you if she will.

1 year ago

Do they always have to check the ID card?

It is not legally obliged to do so.

It is clear to the dealer, as he ensures that he does not sell such products to minors. If he fails to punish the age, he does not commit any offence or offence.

However, if he sells such products to minors, a bus fee of up to 50,000 euros can be imposed on him.