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Sollte man die Gewinne aus Lotterie versteurn?
Wer 60 Millionen Euro gewinnt, sollte 50% an Staat weitergeben!
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All lotteries are excluded from the Oasis lock, where the draw is not more often than twice a week because they have a very low search potential.
I hope not. This lock has a meaning to protect you. Even if you don’t see that at the moment. Are you in a search counselling?
No, unfortunately not yet, it’s also kind of hard to get the first step there…
You made the first step. After all, you find my answer as helpful, and actually I think you’d like to go to a search counselor. It means to me that you’re somehow aware that it can’t go on like that.
See, you know where to report. That’s a good start. I wish you all the best, great success. You can become free from addiction, and lead a self-determined, fulfilled life. Even if it is a heavy and long way.
Hi Annie, I’m also perfectly right to you and will later call the CARiTAS and inform me… Thank you very much