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6 years ago
Reply to  Maxe004

Well, honest answer? This is more fish soup than aquarium. But from the composition, I now really see only the Salmler as a concern.Proposal: leave the Salmler away and for this 5 – 10 wedge spots more, gives a more beautiful picture.

6 years ago
Reply to  Schimeck

See that.

6 years ago
Reply to  Maxe004

Didn’t you read or just didn’t understand what I was answering your last question?

6 years ago
Reply to  eieiei2

Can it be that you’re confusing something? I can’t find an answer from you here.

6 years ago

Chapeau dür this constructive contribution!

That’s what I mean. After such a rather emotional discussion to reassess completely objectively and to decide for animal welfare, many succeed very rarely.

6 years ago

The temperature in which it naturally fluctuates seasonally in subtropical fish or between rain and dry season in tropical fish. They swung the lower and upper tolerance limits and are in the meantime in the optimum range. This is something completely different from having to be at one end of the temperature tolerance all year round. This is at the expense of health and life.

6 years ago

This is a lazy compromise that requires all kinds of living at the edge of their temperature tolerance.

6 years ago

I’ll tell you

Reading misunderstanding

The Maxe004 has asked exactly 2, in words: two questions. Eggs Last question is not available. There is only this one here and another question of 12 hours ago. On the question 12 hours ago or a request within this question, I answered in detail by comment. That is the maxe004 either not read, ode rnot understood. Otherwise, he would not stick to the same crap here and write

These types can be combined

Over and Out.

6 years ago

In part, I had only looked into his last question again, I found your answer in the penultimate question…

6 years ago

Buy gums, but not live animals. That’s bad here.

6 years ago

I repeat the question:

Didn’t you read or just don’t understand what I am
on your last question did you hear?

6 years ago

All right, reading misunderstanding.

6 years ago

Yeah, right, they want a lot of live food, most preferably Arthemia. Because you have addressed the temperature: Most rearings are kept in breeding and also commercially at a standard temperature. What I’m thinking about, a 180 l aquarium is not actually planned for nanofish. Could too large openings on the filter system become a problem?

6 years ago

Especially no females.

Is also UU food sensitive as all blue beans

6 years ago

What I find very noble is the Dario Dario, but you get it very hard

6 years ago

Wherever this temperature is critical I don’t know now.

6 years ago

PS also look at Brevibora dorsiocellata and possibly light eyes or blue eyes (Pseudomugil) maybe?

6 years ago

I’d say they might be a bit tall, and I’d rather recommend the red phantom squad or Neons.

6 years ago

I’m afraid.