Kann ich sterben wenn ich weiter trinke?

Keine Klinik möchte mich und ich habe auch Angst dahin zu gehen und trinke fast täglich 0.4 liter Vodka 40 prozent . Kann ich so weiter machen oder stirbt man dann davon ? Der Hausarzt sagte soll weitertrinken , ist halt so.

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2 months ago

It’s not smart to drink. You don’t just die like that, but you can get all sorts of problems with it (Gedächntis problems, you’re breaking your impulse control, liver damage, etc.). Better make a qualified withdrawal.

What exactly are you afraid of if you got a place somewhere?

Would recommend that you continue to have such a place in a withdrawal clinic. This is actually the only sensible step (if you want to avoid the consequences of alcohol consumption).

2 months ago
Reply to  blechkuebel

A self-help group can also help.


2 months ago

Yes, if your organs are further damaged, that can happen!

Although the vodka is not likely to be the cause, it will cause your organs to be harmful (brain, liver,…), which can result in organ failure and can lead to death after a short time.

2 months ago

No doctor says you should drink alcohol. What you’re talking about is bullshit. That was probably someone but not a doctor.

Of course, you should stop it because if you keep doing this for a few years, you can get a liver cirrhosis. This means you end up in the hospital and if you don’t stop drinking completely for 1 whole year with the Alk you won’t get a new liver for over 40,000 euros. PS The operation along with the new liver costs approx. 200,000 euro. You can only wish you a lot of fun while saving!


2 months ago

What’s that? My doctors say I’m not supposed to drink alcohol. Of course you can die. It’s not good for kidneys and liver. Everyone needs to know.

I have a friend who drinks a lot every day. Although Malteser is what he drinks, it is comparable to the alcohol content. He definitely doesn’t want to be true. Keeps us busy where I greatly reduced contact.

2 months ago

In time, the mind and the liver are there, after that it’s only going down with you when other organs remain until then

2 months ago
Reply to  Andrapton

Have an Alk friend, he can’t remember any things at all and if you have spiritual garbage. You can see what Alk had done. You’ve been drinking for 20 years.

2 months ago
Reply to  dennis4711

And the worst thing is that the mind gives off the spoon so sneakingly that one does not necessarily notice it, while all others have to look appalled

2 months ago

You don’t realize how much you drink and harmless everything as long as nothing happened.

2 months ago

I don’t think so much.

I had times when I drank significantly more.

Are you male or female, and how much are you?

You’ll be able to go on like this for years. This can be easy 20-30 years without serious problems.

2 months ago
Reply to  MiXXXery

No one should expect these 20 years. Up to 55, this may be a good one. Then you’ll be standing in the garden at the snow shovel sometime in the winter and just turn around. That was… So my grandpa died over 20 years ago.

2 months ago

The pediatrician said to drink, it’s like that.

Well, if he says that…

2 months ago

It is very harmful alcohol can harm from the first drops

You need to put yourself in a clinic or you need to work with a friend/family and help yourself.

2 months ago
  1. Everyone dies sometime.
  2. Liver cirrhosis is a very ugly death that nobody wants.