kann ich so schwanger werden?

Wenn mein Freund in Unterhose (mit evtl. Lusttropfen dran) auf meinen Beinen saß, ich hatte eine Jeans und noch eine Hose drunter an. Das war irgendwann am Nachmittag, so zwischen 15 und 18 Uhr glaube ich. Ich bin um 20:30 uhr wieder alleine gewesen und hab geduscht. Wenn ich mich irgendwann ab 0 Uhr am nackten geschlecht unten angefasst habe und vorher halt sachen wie mein handy angefasst habe, die kontakt zu meiner jeans hatten/darauf lagen und so, ohne extra danach die Hände zu waschen, kann da was passieren? ich nehme auch die pille ein, aber könnte da rein theoretisch was passieren, würde die theoretisch nicht wirken? und außerdem: kann was passieren, wenn durch seine unterhose lusttropfen auf meine sweatshirtjacke kommen und die jacke an meiner haut hochrutscht, sodass die stellen an meiner Haut am Rücken/Bauch sind? Ich weiß ich bin extrem ängstlich, bitte keine gemeinen Antworten, bin in Therapie.

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3 months ago

You take the pill? If you have taken it regularly, you are reliably protected from pregnancy

Sperms die in the air. Only in sufficient liquid and at the appropriate temperature could they survive for a while. On clothes, sperm dries relatively fast and through the clothes do not go the sperm

The risk of lust drops is very low. Pleasure drops that have come to the underpants dry very quickly and go through fabric that anyway not.

You don’t have to worry about being pregnant.

3 months ago

No, you’re not getting pregnant.

3 months ago


No, in general, sperms get through hard. For this, the fabric is too fibrous. In addition, sperm only survive a few minutes in the fresh air, after which it is finally fertilized.

I can calm you down, I’ll write you some harsh examples, but I’ll show you the truth. Maybe this will help you calm down.

Every year, several million people try to get a child and do not make it sleep with each other (during the fruitful phase) and a lot of sperm that has also landed within the woman. They try it in part month by month simply because the time in which the egg can be fertilized is sometimes less than 24h. Then why should you have been pregnant from unexisting sperm and clothing outside your fertile phase?

When sperms get outside a male or female body they die very quickly. They survive a maximum of 2 minutes.

No matter how thin the fabric, no matter how wet, no matter how much the sperm was dead, they don’t get through the fabric and you didn’t get pregnant either.


Please put the picture out of your head that sperms are like bacteria, because that’s not like that. Imagine that it’s like small cubes, but they’re very easy to die because you’re crushing them, drying them out or dying with almost any material that’s not from the body.

Also are sperm blind, they actually have no idea where they float. You know because of the hormones where the egg or But this is only possible if they are already very far in the vagina. On a bed sheet, it is for them as on another planet billions of light years away. The living conditions are bad and they die directly (after not even 2min). Fabric has many fibers where the sperms can slow down and no longer move. So you’re totally irreversible and dead right now.

Imagine you’re Mars researcher. Your goal is to land on Mars and walk through a door. But there’s something going wrong, and you can’t land several kilometers far away from the door without a suit. Without the suit, you only have 2 minutes to breathe, which makes you slower and the sun dazzles you very strongly so you don’t see anything and don’t know if you’re on Mars at all. In front of you is a structure that looks like a steel sponge (Google), you don’t know what it is but you start to push through in hope to come to a safe place and find the door. It’s very tight, you don’t see anything, and you’re out of the air, and you’re still hanging with your head on one of these wires and you’re dying.

Similarly, sperms feel when they land outside the male or female body, in the case on a piece of fabric. Orientationless, freezing, blind, so death no longer achieves its goal. Even if they can get rid of the fibers they still don’t know where the door is and because of the lack of air they die.

It will be 100% nothing.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



3 months ago

no more sperm die of the air… If you’d be advised…