Kann ich schwanger werden wenn ich ein Fruchtbarkeitstest gemacht habe?
Ich habe ein Fruchtbarkeitstest gemacht also mit lh Anstieg wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe und da waren bei allen 4 Striche.
nun weiß ich nicht ob ich schwanger werden kann da ich meine Periode seit 31.08 nicht bekomme.
An ovulation test is not a pregnancy test. Just seeing a line doesn’t mean anything. The second line must be at least as clear as the control line, or more clearly.
And an ovulation test is also not a “fruitability test”, he only knows an LH approach – which in itself does not say anything.
But if you hadn’t had your period for so long and you had unprotected traffic in the meantime: did you think that you might have been pregnant BIST?
In your place, I would visit a female physician and explain why the period is left – especially if there is no pregnancy.
To do this, too many information is missing, but if you have unprotected traffic and are not in the menopause, you can get pregnant in principle.
You can also be menopausal and pregnant
And now you tell me how to work.
We’re already at the Perimenopause, not at the Menopause. 🤷🏼
“Even if their fertility decreases with the age of life, a woman can still get pregnant in the perimenopause, as her ovaries continue to produce egg cells.”
Source: https://www.klinikeugin.de/perimenopause-and-pregnancies/#:~:text=Also%20when%20whose%20wholes%20wholes%20whole%20noch%20ungeplant%20pregnant%20.