Kann ich Schwanger sein?
Gestern hatte ich zum ersten Mal eine Verhütungspanne: Das Kondom ist leicht an der Seite gerissen und ausgelaufen. Das hat mich wirklich besorgt gemacht.
Sofort am 19.02. habe ich die Pille danach genommen. Allerdings hatte ich zwischen dem 12. und 18. meines Zyklus laut meiner App meine fruchtbarsten Tage und am 16. meinen Eisprung. Mein Zyklus dauert normalerweise 25 Tage, und in 11 Tagen sollte ich meine Periode bekommen.
Zusätzlich habe ich bemerkt, dass ich weißen Ausfluss habe, der sich leicht ziehen lässt, aber das habe ich schon länger. Ich frage mich, wie hoch die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist, dass ich schwanger werde.
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es relevant ist, aber ich habe auch Hashimoto (eine Schilddrüsenunterfunktion), was natürlich auch wichtig ist, wenn man schwanger ist.
If you’ve already had your ovulation, the pill will bring you nothing after a contraception.
This prevents the ovulation, it was nothing to prevent.
Well, it can be that you got pregnant.
You can’t guess that now. If the ovulation had already been, the pill will no longer bring anything, but if it has already taken place over 24 hours before the pan, fertilization is unlikely. Now it’s just supposed to wait and then make a pregnancy test with the morning urine from 19 days after sex.
I read on the note that “By the active ingredients Levonorgestrel or Ulipristal acetate is inhibited or delayed the ovulation, so that the sperms cannot fertilize the egg cell” so the pill could have worked (hopefully)
The ovulation inhibits or delays only once it has taken place. And if fertilization has already taken place, it is no longer possible to prevent pregnancy by slowing the sperm. The pill after that is now not a contraceptive and cannot always prevent pregnancy, a residual risk always remains. Therefore, please test at times when no period has occurred.
and On the package note it says that even after the ovulation the sperm will be “heavy” to move and nest
That was yesterday! No one can tell you if there’s a pregnancy. If your period remains or comes later, make a test. However, the pill can then extend your cycle.
Yeah, you’re right. I would really like to know how high the probability is that I am pregnant. This uncertainty just makes me crazy.
You belong to the gynecologist
This is a duty after a contraception when you take responsibility for your body seriously.
If you had this “pan” yesterday, today it is too frueh to ask.