Can I pipe salt dough or draw with it? Or is it too thick?

I'd like to find a thick, pasty material that I can use to draw like a pastry chef. I don't know many materials; the only one that comes to mind is salt dough. Maybe epoxy resin, I don't know. I'm grateful for any DIY suggestions.

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2 years ago

From the discussion, I understand that you need a kind of spatula that is easy to model, as well as a certain “strength.”

My uncle had created a mass that was quite good in these disciplines. He had mixed a slowly setting gypsum with cardboard and wood glue and did some kaolin in it. More precisely, I don’t remember. He used this mass to replicate the males and the transitions to the fins in the case of prepared fish. There it came to the “disciplines” mentioned above. You always have to put in portions in order not to have to throw away too much later. Alternatively, you can model your own “Resterampe” from the rest.

2 years ago
Reply to  DasKennIch

This mixture can be added more freshly than intermediately. The plaster binds with time and makes the mass unusable. If you have optimized the recipe for the egg-based needs, then you can premix the dry ingredients in order to then only have to apply them with water and wood glue.

2 years ago

Whether salt dough, normal cake dough, flour pamp or anything else you create yourself, it depends on the mixing ratio of how thick or thin I want to get it.

If you already buy epoxy resin as an alternative, I can recommend wood glue from the tube. Cut the tip accordingly thin.

The best Obi seller I know always asks for what and what I want to do – then he always has a solution.

2 years ago
Reply to  DasKennIch

Right, Ponal is the first choice.

2 years ago

Quote FS: “I thought about drawings in the room.”

OK, now I have a picture in front of my eyes 👍

Hanging on thinnest (0.04 mm) fishing cord would be an alternative.

2 years ago

If it has to stick, look for alternative quick stickers (in tubes), because the normal tape takes its time until it lasts.

Ah, I see straight, Wood glue/ glue PONAL Express there is.

2 years ago

Salt dough can be compared with kneading. Epoid resin is normally too liquid and requires a form.

2 years ago
Reply to  DasKennIch

It’s not getting sprayable. Ultimately, the question is what you want to do. You can also rotate thin sausages and lay contours.

2 years ago

No, I wasn’t, but I can use google and tell me how to upload pictures. Especially since your answer – stupid that you can’t upload pictures here – doesn’t tell me you don’t know how to upload pictures.

The fact is that this option is already offered clearly in the question. So what should I explain when the function is present?

2 years ago

You can upload pictures in a question. Apart from that, you can easily upload them to an online webspace for images and post the link here.

2 years ago

teig is always just as thick liquid as much water is in

2 years ago
Reply to  Seraphim777

There are only a few on it 😉