Kann ich problemlos stalken?
Also Leute, ich hab da mal so eine Frage. Ich hab halt einen Crush, einen Jungen, den ich beim Tennis kennengelernt habe.
Auf jedenfalls interessiert es mich jetzt super stark, wem er auf Instagram folgt. Sieht man es, wenn man auf das insta Profil geht oder sieht man es, wenn man geschaut hat, wem man folgt?
No, you don’t see that you looked at his profile. Only if you look at a story from him that he recently published, he can see that you looked at it.
Stalking is, by the way, a crime, but what you’re doing is not a stalking…
Anyone who has a public profile has also agreed that everyone can visit him and that doesn’t count to stalking…
Since I am not subject to any of the usual requests for validity, I can’t help you with the question of Instagram…
No.”Stalking” is not a crime. Is an iflationary term used for everything and nothing.
The term stalking is completely inappropriate here. Stalking is a criminal offence. If you follow someone on public profiles, it’s not a stalking.