kann ich Outlook entfernen und weiter mit web.de arbeiten?

web.de hat bei mir viele Jahre zuverlässig funktioniert.

Hebe einen neuen PC auf dem Outlook installiert ist,

Seit dem funktioniert web,de nicht mehr zuverlässig.

kann ich Outlock deininstallieren und wieder wie früher mit web.de mailen?

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3 years ago

so you don’t have to uninstall Outlook. web.de also goes via the web browser.

maybe there is information whether web.de can also be used via Outlokk, address of the mailserver and port

3 years ago
Reply to  Jens197212
3 years ago
  • Outlook is a local program for reading and writing mails.
  • web.de is a service provider that provides and sends emails.

This has something to do with each other, but you can also use it independently. If you use web.de over the browser, it has nothing to do with Outlook at all. If Outlook is incorrectly configured, you don’t need to uninstall z, but just have to configure it correctly.

Your explanation “does not work reliably” is not enough to understand exactly what problems you have. If you call any details, it increases the likelihood of getting a helpful answer.

3 years ago

Please note the Outlook is not free evtl you only have a time limited trial version and there comes the problem.

You can install / use Web.de simultaneously.