Kann ich ohne Reisepass zurück nach Deutschland von spanien aus?
Hallo ich bin seid heute in lloret de mar aber möchte wieder nachhause da es mir garnicht gefällt und das hier nichts für mich ist und meine Depressionen mir jetzt wieder sehr zu schaffen machen. Zur Info ich bin mit einer Jugendreise hingekommen. Da ich aber nur einen gültigen Ausweis bei mir habe ich meine frage ob mein Ausweis reicht oder ich unbedingt einen Reisepass brauche.
As you are travelling with an ID card, you can also leave with an ID card.
Of course. An identity card is enough.
If you came in with Perso, you’ll come out with it.
Spain is part of the EU, so Perso is enough if you are a German citizen.
As a German citizen, you only need an ID card for Spain.
You came in without a passport, so you get out of here.
If you haven’t built a flight, you don’t need a return flight
I am by bus to Spain
If you didn’t need a ride, you don’t need a ride back.
you have come with the ID, you will come home again
I came by the bus and then I can fly back safely?
so with the bus – you have loosely passed 3 limits.
You know you have to pay the flight
You have a reliable statement about this simply with the travel agency or the provider of the flight.
Question is more whether it is the value to spend the money instead of simply waiting until the group returns. And if you can and can drive through world history as a younger one.