Kann ich noch professionelle Balletttänzerin werden?

Hii, ich bin 12 Jahre alt und mache seit dem ich 4 bin Ballett und seit ungefähr einem Jahr ist es mein Traum Ballerina (professionell) zu werden. Meine Lehrerin hat Heute gesagt das sie nach den Ferien schauen wird wer in diese Fördergruppe gehen könnte. Sie hat u s auch gesagt das wir den Passenden Körper haben müssen und gut tanzen sollen. Meine Stärke liegt bei den Pirouetten. Meine Frage ist jetzt was ich jetzt wärend den Ferien lernen könnte, weil ich unbedingt da hin möchte.

Danke schon mal im voraus

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2 months ago

What kind of school are you at? What kind of group? How many times do you have training?

If you want to take the career as a dancer, you should now apply to one of the official training centres (Palucca in Dresden, Stuttgart Ballett (Crankoschule), State Ballet School Berlin, Ballet Academy Munich or the Ballet School of Hamburg Ballet)

It would have been better if you had been training at one of these schools for a year. From 11 on, the girls and boys have lessons about at least 5-6 days a week. 3 hours.

If you’re still at a private school for laient dancers or at the club, you’re already a year behind.

However, 12 is still within the framework of the appropriate talent and the necessary physical fitness.

btw: do not begin to “train” anything at home, but no technical things. You should be able to translate corrections very quickly. This is significantly more important than three-fold pirouettes that are not clean. Wrong movement patterns that feel right for you because they have always been executed by you can be an exclusion criterion.

We strongly advise our Eleven to train any technical things at home in the Kämmerlein.

moderate endurance training, muscle building for the core area, feet, turnout and co would be more sensible.

3 months ago

If you’ve been doing it for 8 years, and only 12 years, it’ll be possible if you have a tan.

Only with a promotional group on holiday will it not go, however, you already need a personal trainer or trainer. But maybe there is.

You can try it out, then you can see if it makes you so much fun. Because that’s a different level than hobby.