Kann ich mit meinem Freund online (Euro Truck Simulator2) spielen?
Ich werde mir dieses Angebot kaufen:https://www.mmoga.de/Steam-Games/Euro-Truck-Simulator-2.htmlUnd mein Freund hat sich Euro Truck Simulator 2 auf Steam geholt.Können wir trotzdem gemeinsam Online zocken?
Hello GamerSkillHD,
Yeah, I can. The mmoga Key is redeemed on Steam, it’s as if you buy the game on Steam sleber.
I just found out… Many thanks and apologise my stupidity.. xD
No problem
Yes, you can, but you need TruckersMP https://truckersmp.com/
I’m not sure how to install the modification (was with me already a long time ago) but can look for a tutorial.
Oh, I’m doof, I’ve read the question first wrong, and then you can redeem the key where you get on mmoga on Steam