Kann ich mit links das hithat links spielen?

Hi ich spiele seit 8 Jahren schlagzeug ich bin links händer und spiele schon immer an einem Rechtshänder schlagzeug jetzt habe ich im Internet gelesen dass Linkshänder ihr schlagzeug anders aufbauen was soll ich jetzt machen? Ich kann doch nicht plötzlich mit rechts bass drum spielen

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24 days ago

Huh? On a right-handed drum you play the HiHat and on the right the Bassdrum-Pedal… did you prescribed yourself and you mean playing with the left bassdrum?

You can do that with the bass drum, or maybe you can learn it with more or less effort. But you don’t have to if it’s just about playing the high hat with the left hand. You could play open handed, don’t rush right over cross but The left hand plays Hihat on the left and right the snares, i.e. just vice versa. But that’s a different feeling… but it doesn’t hurt if you can do that, let me say this:


I myself am a mixed hover with left-handed concrete and have built my set also right-handed. In addition, on the right side of the set, I have a second Closed Hihat at the same level as the “normal HiHat” on the Snare left, with such an arm on the Ride bar:


Looks like this.


So I can sit normally, play football with the right and the Closed HiHat on the right side…

But honestly, if this hasn’t disturbed you so far and you have no coordination problems, you don’t have to rebuild.
