Kann ich mit einer Tageskarte jeden Bus fahren?
Hey, und zwar hab ich eine Frage. Kann ich mit einer Tageskarte jeden Bus mit der selben preisstufe fahren also wenn ich die in einem Bus gekauft habe kann ich dann auch in einem anderen Bus fahren der nicht derselbe ist?
danke schonmal im vorraus
In Berlin it is so that you can use any public transport by one day ticket (if you travel in the paid fare area).
Ask the nearest bus driver or call the website of the traffic companies in your area. It’s probably all about information.
It is also the question of what a card if it is not a single trip, it is a day card and the line includes the card, then yes
It is a day card but if I buy the card in a bus zb number 9 then I can also drive in another bus the zb has number 3 ?
Hello, if it’s in Stuttgart, you can use a day ticket, subway and buses and all the trains, so that you can drive them if they are in the respective tariff zone area. So a day ticket with zone 1 is the cheapest, but goes exclusively within zone 1. Depending on how far or where you drive, you buy the corresponding tariff zone.
Why don’t you just ask the bus driver, but if it’s in a certain area/area, it’s always divided into such areas normally, but you can ask the bus driver if you can also ask Bus No. 3 can use the day card.
Within a collective agreement, the tickets are valid for all transport operations during the period of validity.