Kann ich mit einem Schnitt von 3,4 Flugbegleiterin werden?
ich stehe kurz von meinem Abiturprüfungen und mein Abischnitt wird wahrscheinlich auf 3,4 fallen.
Mein Traum ist es jedoch, Flugbegleiterin zu werden.
Soweit ich weiß, braucht man keinen NC um Flugbegleiterin zu werden.
Mich würde trotzdem interessieren, ob meine Chancen dadurch sinken, da mein Schnitt nicht so gut ist.
Meine Englisch Note liegt bei 9-10 NP was einer 2- oder einer 3+ entspricht.
Ich muss halt dazu sagen, dass meine Lehrerin sehr streng war und mein Englisch meiner Meinung nach besser als das ist.
Wenn jemand von euch Erfahrung hat, würde mich eure Meinung sehr interessieren.
Danke schon mal im Voraus für die Antworten😊
As a flight attendant there you should always speak English fluently and best a further language.
In addition, you also have to be able to swim in order to help PAssagieren in an emergency charge in the water.
There is also a “maintained exterior” expected, which translates to the typical beauty ideals.
What grades you had in biology or art, that doesn’t interest a person.
There are also enough airlines whose only hiring criterion is that you are cheap and willing to understand what I mean.
The passenger compares prices and wants to fly cheap, which is also reflected in the salary structure.
A rich collection of ancient prejudices. In the meantime, rudimentary language identifiers seem to be enough in English when I see what comes to younger people. Swimming. Bullshit. You paddle around me a life jacket, that was it. Appearance doesn’t matter. Visible tattoos and piercings will soon be allowed. Greetings from the Airliner who knows what he’s talking about because it’s daily bread.
You never learned to read between the lines.
It’s not always like to make his statement so plump.
We don’t live in the 50s or 60s anymore. The female image has changed fortunately. Of course you should experience well maintained. But otherwise the exterior no longer plays such a big role. If you have an Abitur, you can already English as well as another language. If she is on 2-3 in Abitur and her teacher was strict, she will be able to get good English.
Mhh in the application is required a PAssbild, everyone must know why. Actually, on every PA picture the same can be seen, 2 eyes, mouth and nose. It is often used to surprise beauty.
Have miciih applied to a furniture store in logistics. Well, that’s what you asked for.
Should go. A flight attendant is nothing but a waitress on the plane. Unfortunately, there are also the times when this job was well paid!
First learn a job and then get in. Your English should be rich and you learn to do it every day. It is no easy job and some sportiness should be brought along.
Abi is Abi. There’s no nc and that’s all that’s interesting for you.
School notes are rather irrelevant in the recruitment test. Other qualifications are the focus. Greetings from the Airliner.
The cut is rather not relevant, but the English note is not so good.
Primary pays the body size and appearance
The purest bullshit. From 160 to 200 cm everything is OK and the appearance is completely wump! Whoever thinks everything about my job can say anything. Where are these hybrids?
It just depends on which airline you are talking about. It is not the case that Ryanair or Tuifly differs significantly from an Emirate or Etihad.
You don’t study… For flight attendees, you don’t need university access…